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En dræbt og flere såret efter skyderi i shoppingcenter i Bangkok
#1 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 04-10-2023 03:00
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Antal indlæg: 3421
Tilmeldt: 03.07.09
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En dræbt og flere såret efter skyderi i shoppingcenter i Bangkok

En person har mistet livet, og flere er i kritisk tilstand efter et skyderi i et shoppingcenter i Thailands hovedstad Bangkok. En af de sårede er udlænding.

Det fortæller det lokale beredskab ifølge nyhedsbureauet Reuters.

En 14-årig dreng er blevet anholdt mistænkt for at stå bag skyderiet, oplyser politiet på sociale medier, skriver Reuters.

Thailands premierminister Srettha Thavisin skriver på det sociale medie X, at han er bekendt med skyderiet og har sat en politiefterforskning i gang.

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#2 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 04-10-2023 14:12
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Tilmeldt: 17.10.10
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Thailand News | 2 shot dead, 5 injured by teenage gunman inside Siam Paragon

The shooting rampage at Bangkok’s Siam Paragon shopping mall yesterday tragically claimed the lives of a Chinese woman and a Burmese woman, and injured five others while a brave Thai woman rescued Chinese twins after their mother was killed.

The Royal Thai Police (RTP) announced that the shooting occurred at the mall yesterday afternoon, October 3, resulting in the deaths of two individuals, not three as originally reported. Among the five injured, there are three Thai nationals, one Chinese individual, and one Laotian.

The 14-year-old gunman was apprehended on the mall’s third floor at about 5.06pm. He is currently in police custody, although he has not yet been questioned due to concerns about his mental state. The interrogation will be conducted by a psychologist.

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#3 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 08-10-2023 05:54
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Antal indlæg: 3421
Tilmeldt: 03.07.09
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The 14-year-old boy, who shot two women dead and injured five others at Siam Paragon Mall in Bangkok, is currently under the care of the Juvenile Observation and Protection Department, according to Siripraya Worapreecha, the department’s deputy director.

She revealed that the teenage boy arrived last night with his father who was deeply concerned about him.

Upon his arrival, initial discussions and mental health assessments were conducted by the institution’s psychologists, psychiatrists, and house-fathers responsible for the preliminary reception.

The boy is also undergoing a five-day Covid-19 quarantine.

In the coming days, continued mental health assessments will be conducted. Suppose doctors believe he requires hospitalization or intensive treatment (admission). In that case, a report will be prepared and presented to the juvenile court, suggesting the boy’s transfer to Galayani Vadhana Institute of Psychiatry for treatment.

This is a standard procedure for any child showing signs of mental health problems.

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#4 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 09-10-2023 07:16
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Antal indlæg: 3421
Tilmeldt: 03.07.09
 Status: Offline

Following a further investigation into the suspects connected to the shooting at the Siam Paragon Mall in Bangkok, police arrested three Thai men for selling a modified blank gun and bullets to the teenage gunman.

The tragic incident at Siam Paragon, which saw two foreign women shot dead and five injured, spread grief throughout the country and also raised awareness of gun ownership and gun laws in Thailand. Many people questioned how the 14-year-old gunman obtained the weapon. Others pointed out that many firearms are offered online and condemned the authorities for their recklessness.

Officers investigated how the young suspect obtained the gun and discovered three Thai men selling firearms and related equipment online. The three were identified as 45-year-old Suwannahong Phramkanajarn, 22-year-old Akkawit Jaithong, and 31-year-old Pityabut Pianpithak.

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