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Thais Whisper Their Dreams To Rat Statue
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Skrevet d. 20-01-2021 16:20
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Tilmeldt: 30.08.16
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Buddhist devotees whisper their New Year wishes into the ear of a giant rat in Bangkok. The bronze rodent is found at a ‘Ganesh’ shrine in Ratchada. Followers have a mixture of Hindu and Buddhist beliefs.

Footage shows how locals give offerings of brightly-coloured beaded necklaces to the statue before telling it their deepest desires and dreams. It is believed that the animal then conveys the messages to its master, the elephant god Ganesh, also known as Ganesha, who brings good luck and wealth. Many of the followers at the temple were making wishes for the coming year.

”Ganesh is connected with artists and business people, who are trying to create success,” said one the gurus at the temple.

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