Antal indlæg: 3 Tilmeldt: 03.03.13 Status: Offline
Blev saa glad da jeg laset i avisen at nu blev der taget aktion mod jet ski scamm... Men ak nej.. maaske ogsaa lidt optimistisk at tro at nogen vil rore den.
Saa pas paa i Phuket og Pattaya hvis i lejer jet ski
Antal indlæg: 1773 Tilmeldt: 11.09.09 Status: Offline
intet nyt uden solen røverierne forsætter
Udgivet den 22/03/2013
Even after the big mouth promise of Pattaya´s Mayor Itthiphol Kunplome the jet ski scams continue. There you see how much his word is worth = nothing. People who report crimes on his private facebook profile become even blocked by him and he delete their comments and reports because it fit not together with his fantasy lie of the so overclean Pattaya. Itthipol is a liar and he know that hisself. This video here is from a supporter of our anticorruption network not from me but also i was often enough (at least 3 times) in City Hall and talked with the assistant of the mayor and the only thing what the did was some big mouth promises without value (= some lies) combined with a smile. And i was by myself before Foreign Police Volumteer in Pattaya Soi 9 Police Station i can report out of first hand what dirty shit is going there thats why i stop to volumteer for this dirty shit there. Look at "Death Rock Bar" in 3rd Road then playing since over 1 years overhours until sunrise and make noise but they pay tip-money to the corrupt police of Soi9 so nothing will ever change because they pay high enough so Pattaya´s Police gave them a permit which them allows to shit on the law as long as their tip-money is high enough. I not even would wonder if the children of a lot policemen and also policemen without uniform would visit that thai-beer-bar themself as customers.
So how much is a promise of Pattaya´s government worth? And does the People in Pattaya need a government/regime which is not able or rather not willing out of corruption reasons to change this crimes in years? There are on every 10 meter on the beachroad a video-camera of the pattaya-government. So what is the Pattaya-Government doing with all their recording and why in the night every 2nd thaiman on the beachroad want sell to tourists drugs and has nothing to fear? Let me guess the drug-dealers standing under the protection of some corurpt police-guys or how to explain that and how to explain also all the much prositutes on the beachroad when there are so much cameras so you can really not dare to claim you would not see this on your cameras the fact is simply you not want to see it because your dirty city is living from this criminal shit. When you want say it in symbolic speaking then the sexindustry is the apple tree from what Chonburi and whole thailand in general is living and the corruption of the local government of chonburi is the water for this tree to hold it alive. A clean Pattaya in which the thai-lawbook would be executed to 100% would mean a bankrupt Pattaya which would be a ghost city then all this sextourists would look for an other travelling destination and you know that very clear. Does your high tech camera system not work or are you only to unwillig to do something? Pattaya´s government and even Thailand in general belong to this regimes which as same good could stand in front of a forest and even then they would dare to claim they would not even see a tree at all. Change will only happening when thai people start to demand that the lawbook is executed correctly and when the thai people will start to demand real punsihment for corrupt government-workers. Egoistic thinking make the world not better and a government worker only deserve respect when he act according to the lawbook as soon as he violates the law out of corruption reasons a sgovernment worker not longer deserve respect then he only deserve hard punsihment.
Corruption in government is same like a cancer and if people not fight against it then the patient (the staate) dies and falls apart. Some people say underage-prostitution is no problem for them and they not care or they even make it possible as corrupt government workers, then they should use their last brain-cells which they have and should ask themself how they would feel if this victim of the sexindustry would be their child instead of the child of a unknown person. The bad wins in this world when the good is not brave enough to stand up and raise the voice loud enough when injustice is done!
Isan is the poorest region of Thailand: in 2002 average wages were the ... Isan (Isan/Thai: อีสาน; also written as Isaan, Isarn, Issan, ...
Antal indlæg: 3857 Tilmeldt: 08.05.09 Status: Offline
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