Thainess ?
natie |
Skrevet d. 14-04-2017 06:45
Antal indlæg: 174
Tilmeldt: 19.02.14
Bred Last
ove |
Skrevet d. 24-04-2017 18:39
Antal indlæg: 121
Tilmeldt: 30.08.16
velkommen til
nick |
Skrevet d. 26-04-2017 08:54
Antal indlæg: 285
Tilmeldt: 01.12.09
Thailandsk mand hænger sit barn og sig selv i Facebook livevideo
En video af en thailandsk mand, der hænger sin 11 måneder gamle datter og derefter sig selv, er blevet lagt på det sociale medie Facebook.
Det bekræfter det lokale politi over for nyhedsbureauet dpa.
Den 21-årige mand lagde livevideoen på Facebook sent mandag aften, hvilket fik hans kone til at gå til politiet i byen Phuket, der ligger 840 kilometer fra Bangkok.
Politiet fandt ligene af den 21-årige mand og hans 11 måneder gamle datter hængende fra taget på et forladt hotel.
Hustruen har fortalt det lokale politi, at hendes mand og deres fælles barn forsvandt, efter at de havde haft et skænderi.
Hun har også forklaret politiet, at hendes mand ofte har mishandlet hende.
farang |
Skrevet d. 28-04-2017 08:47
Antal indlæg: 454
Tilmeldt: 28.05.11
Far filmede drab på datter: Nu fortæller hustruen om tragedien
Jiranuch Trirat skyndte sig at alarmere politiet, som et par timer senere fandt ligene af hendes mand og deres datter
21-årige Wuttisan Wongthalay tog mandag livet af sin blot 11 måneder gamle datter, hvorefter han begik selvmord.
Begge dele blev filmet i en livevideo på Facebook, og det var her, den 20-årige hustru, Jiranuch Trirat, så tragedien udspille sig.
- Jeg var sammen med min bror, da det skete. Han loggede ind på Facebook, og pludselig kunne vi se live-videoen. Jeg så, da han tog rebet om min datter, og så kunne jeg ikke se mere, fortæller hun til nyhedsbureauet AFP.
Politi: Drabsmand var paranoid
Jiranuch Trirat skyndte sig at alarmere politiet, som et par timer senere fandt ligene af den thailandske mand og deres datter hængende fra taget på et forladt hotel.
Ifølge Jiranuch Trirat havde hun og Wuttisan Wongthalay flere problemer i deres ægteskab, og han var angiveligt voldelig over for både hende og hendes 5-årige søn fra et tidligere forhold.
Det samme fortæller en lokal efterforskningsleder til Reuters.
- Han (Wuttisan Wongthalay red.) var paranoid og frygtede, at hustruen ville forlade ham, og at hun ikke elskede ham.
Se også: Mand hænger sit barn og sig selv i Facebookvideo
Det var de thailandske myndigheder, der kontaktede Facebook for at få fjernet den voldsomme video. Videoen eksisterer ikke længere på det sociale medie.
Det er ikke første gang, at et mord bliver filmet og lagt ud på Facebook. I sidste uge skød og dræbte 37-årige Steve Stephens en tilfældig ældre mand, Robert Godwin, på gaden i Pennsylvania, USA. Drabet lå på Facebook i flere timer, før det blev fjernet.
Facebook-stifter, Mark Zuckerberg, har efterfølgende udtalt, at det sociale medie konstant arbejder på at forbedre håndteringen af voldelige videoer.
- Vi har meget arbejde at gøre. Vi vil gøre alt, hvad vi kan, for at sådan en tragedie kan undgås, lyder det fra Zuckerberg.
http://ekstrablad...en/6633109 |
eneber |
Skrevet d. 22-05-2017 07:14
Antal indlæg: 1019
Tilmeldt: 07.06.09
hvem siger nej til lidt ekstra, ikke thaierne
M55 |
Skrevet d. 01-06-2017 14:45
Antal indlæg: 1875
Tilmeldt: 23.10.09
Q8 |
Skrevet d. 19-06-2017 12:03
Antal indlæg: 146
Tilmeldt: 26.11.14
Following PM’s scolding, twerking country singer ‘Lamyai’ now covered up
Following the Prime Minister’s comments on her sexy stage outfit and suggestive dance moves earlier this week, the 18-year-old told reporters she has been feeling a little “uneasy,” and has adjusted her act to earn acceptance from the public.
She told Sanook that she has indeed taken the PM’s oddly timed public criticism — he was speaking to reporters after a meeting about rice policy — into consideration. After the premier’s comments, her manager had said Lamyai would dutifully reduce her number of pelvic thrusts, a key selling point of her act, from nine to a demure three.
We’ll be interested to see how long the denim jacket stays in place.
read more http://pattayaone...w-covered/ |
bz |
Skrevet d. 20-06-2017 06:07
Antal indlæg: 244
Tilmeldt: 04.08.09
Q8 skrev:
Following PM’s scolding, twerking country singer ‘Lamyai’ now covered up
Following the Prime Minister’s comments on her sexy stage outfit and suggestive dance moves earlier this week, the 18-year-old told reporters she has been feeling a little “uneasy,” and has adjusted her act to earn acceptance from the public.
She told Sanook that she has indeed taken the PM’s oddly timed public criticism — he was speaking to reporters after a meeting about rice policy — into consideration. After the premier’s comments, her manager had said Lamyai would dutifully reduce her number of pelvic thrusts, a key selling point of her act, from nine to a demure three.
We’ll be interested to see how long the denim jacket stays in place.
read more http://pattayaone...w-covered/
emil |
Skrevet d. 21-06-2017 05:09
Antal indlæg: 166
Tilmeldt: 30.01.10
Thai temple’s shameless pursuit of cash, devaluing culture
Superheroes are coming to the rescue of Thailand’s temples, where monks have commissioned giant statues of comic book icons and toy robots to entertain children while parents donate to their coffers.
Instead of the traditional tranquil Buddhas and mythical beasts that adorn most monasteries in the land, the shimmering Wat Ta Kien temple outside Bangkok is guarded by three towering Transformer robots.
masa |
Skrevet d. 29-06-2017 14:52
Antal indlæg: 239
Tilmeldt: 12.12.13
Truer betjent med kniv: Men se så hvad han gør
I en tid med terrorfrygt kan betjentens reaktion virke overraskende
En thailandsk politibetjent lovprises bredt for sin reaktion, da en mand tilsyneladende ude af balance entrerede Huay Kwang-stationen i Bangkok.
Hvor mange, som automatreaktion - og det vel ganske forståeligt, formentlig ville søge ly eller række efter deres våben, valgte Anirut Malee nemlig venlighed og dialog, da den unavngivne mand begyndte at vifte med en kniv.
Episoden fandt ifølge thailandske medier sted 17. juni, og historien bliver nu flittigt delt verden over.
Fik et kram
Overvågningsbilleder, som du kan se øverst, har indfanget hele optrinnet, og herpå kan man se, hvordan Malee roligt sætter sig på kanten af sit skrivebord og herefter begynder at tale den angiveligt frustrerede mand til ro.
Efter et par ordvekslinger lykkedes det ligefrem betjenten at overbevise manden om at aflevere kniven. Men det bliver bedre.
Malee, der kunne forstå, at manden var stresset og i bund og grund ikke helt havde tænkt situationen igennem, besluttede sig nemlig for også at give ham et kram.
Havde mistet sin guitar
- Han var en forhenværende musiker, som havde arbejdet som sikkerhedsvagt i tre dage uden at blive betalt for det. Han havde derudover fået stjålet sin guitar, så det hele stressede ham lidt, har Malee efterfølgende fortalt ifølge Thai Visa News.
- Jeg hørte hans ord og sympatiserede og sagde, at jeg havde en guitar, han kunne få, og at vi kunne gå ud at få et måltid sammen.
Manden blev angiveligt sendt på hospitalet til en mental-undersøgelse. indtil videre er der ikke blevet rettet nogen anklager mod ham. |
emil |
Skrevet d. 30-06-2017 08:57
Antal indlæg: 166
Tilmeldt: 30.01.10
emil skrev:
Thai temple’s shameless pursuit of cash, devaluing culture
Superheroes are coming to the rescue of Thailand’s temples, where monks have commissioned giant statues of comic book icons and toy robots to entertain children while parents donate to their coffers.
Instead of the traditional tranquil Buddhas and mythical beasts that adorn most monasteries in the land, the shimmering Wat Ta Kien temple outside Bangkok is guarded by three towering Transformer robots.
i |
eneber |
Skrevet d. 11-07-2017 10:46
Antal indlæg: 1019
Tilmeldt: 07.06.09
Accused trafficker on bail arrested with 11kg of 'ice'
Niwat Dokmai, 25, (red shirt) after his arrest by police, with the seized crystal meth on the desk, in Hat Yai district, Songkhla, late on Monday night.
SONGKHLA - A 25-year-old heavily tattooed veteran drug trafficker from Bangkok was arrested and 11 kilogrammes of crystal methamphetamine worth about 11 million baht seized in Hat Yai district on Monday...
The suspect was also known as Toon Dokmai and was well-known among drug traffickers for the tattoos covering his whole body, even his lips, police said. He was out on bail pending trial on a previous drug...
http://www.bangko...1kg-of-ice |
M55 |
Skrevet d. 13-07-2017 12:22
Antal indlæg: 1875
Tilmeldt: 23.10.09
BANGKOK — After a couple of pythons made themselves at home Sunday in the toilet of a house in western Bangkok, the family who lives there is wary of using their downstairs bathroom.
Suthiporn Praditkanok, 15, was washing her hands in the restroom at her home in the Taling Chan district, when she ran out screaming after a large python leaped out of the toilet bowl and began slithering towards her.
Hearing her screams, Suthiporn’s dad, Kanok Praditkanok, 41, ran into the bathroom, snapped a photo of the snake with his smartphone, shut the toilet lid on the creature and put the toilet tank cover on the lid for extra protection before calling the authorities.
http://www.khaoso...ce-photos/ |
Elmer55 |
Skrevet d. 14-07-2017 16:25
Antal indlæg: 136
Tilmeldt: 19.11.15
Drug Smuggler Forced To Apologise To Two Chickens
A drug smuggler sobs in handcuffs as police make him apologise to two CHICKENS for stuffing condoms filled with meth pills down their throats.
Charnwut Seuksongkram, 29, crammed the yaba tablets into seven different rubber contraceptives and forced one bird to swallow three and the other four.
He was carrying the birds in two boxes and waiting for a tuk tuk when officers who had been tipped off noticed him acting suspiciously.
They opened the boxes and were shocked by the huge bulges in the stomachs of the chickens in Chiang Mai, northern Thailand on Wednesday.
AK81 |
Skrevet d. 23-07-2017 11:43
Antal indlæg: 330
Tilmeldt: 09.11.11
der dansens i ris marken
farang |
Skrevet d. 31-07-2017 06:41
Antal indlæg: 454
Tilmeldt: 28.05.11
Nong Rose strikes blow for equality
Clad in a pink tank top and shorts, her face made up with rouge and red lipstick, transgender Muay Thai fighter Nong Rose Bancharoensuk is a formidable opponent.
Just ask Priewpak Sorjor Vichit Padriew, a male fighter who lost a thrilling five-round match to Nong Rose earlier this month. "I wasn't able to fight her strength and big build," Priewpak said.
read more http://www.bangko...r-equality
Skrevet d. 02-08-2017 10:24
Antal indlæg: 2786
Tilmeldt: 17.10.10
UPS en mast midt i vejen nå skidt vi kører bare uden om
skipper |
Skrevet d. 06-08-2017 13:08
Antal indlæg: 3859
Tilmeldt: 08.05.09
Det ligner jsh71
Anarki eller Kaos. |
Thaihans |
Skrevet d. 11-08-2017 14:47
Antal indlæg: 516
Tilmeldt: 11.09.09
Bangkok exotic meat restaurant busted for serving protected snake, pangolin, turtle
Bangkok exotic meat restaurant busted for serving protected snake, pangolin, turtle
Bangkok police busted a Chinese restaurant yesterday that serves exotic animal meat after learning that protected species of snakes and turtles were also on the menu.
Twenty officers from the “Wild Hawk” task force of the National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation Department detained seven people working at Luang Toto restaurant, which caters mainly to Chinese tourists, in the Wang Thong Lang area. As they entered the eatery, there were two plates of cobra meat ready to be served and they found, behind the restaurant, a room where the animals were butchered.
A further search of the premises revealed nine bottles of liquor containing snake heads, the body of a pangolin, 90 grams of pangolin scales, 21 soft-shelled Thai turtles, a yellow-headed temple turtle, and four rat snakes, reported Bangkok Post.
The rat snake, pangolin, and turtles are protected animals. While cobras aren’t protected, Thai law says it is illegal to cage them, and it’s assumed that the snakes at the restaurant were caged before they were butchered.
Restaurant manager Chamu Sae-Yi, 66, and six staff members from Myanmar are being held.
Chamu was charged with violations of the 1992 Wild Animal Reservation and Protection Act. If found guilty, he could receive a four-year prison sentence and/or a fine of up to THB40,000.
The staff members have not yet been charges, but they have been detained, and police are checking to see if they have permission to work in Thailand.
Source: Coconuts |
IT |
Skrevet d. 15-08-2017 07:09
Antal indlæg: 1773
Tilmeldt: 11.09.09
-Battery-operated LED eyelashes that flash in various colours are the latest clubber-inspired fad, and despite health concerns officials say they are legal.
Isan is the poorest region of Thailand: in 2002 average wages were the ... Isan (Isan/Thai: อีสาน; also written as Isaan, Isarn, Issan, ... |