Advarsel mod brug af visum agenter
tiny |
Skrevet d. 04-07-2013 10:43

Antal indlæg: 133
Tilmeldt: 29.06.10
den danske ambassade har ret. Husk det nu
er du i tvivl om ansøgningsproceduren er du velkommen til at kontakte vores visumansøgningscenter VFS eller ambassaden direkte i telefontiden eller pr. e-mail.
Embassy of Denmark, Thailand
10 Sathorn Soi 1
South Sathorn Road
Bangkok 10120
Phone: +66 (0) 2343 1100
Fax: +66 (0) 2213 1752
E-mail: |
yindee |
Skrevet d. 08-07-2013 07:36

Antal indlæg: 3632
Tilmeldt: 20.02.09
efter vores lille skriveri er prisen blevet ændret. Sat ned fra ca. 16.000 baht til 10.900 baht, ja _ ja lidt har også ret

mit råd er og bliver, brug ikke visum agenter
Husk er du i tvivl om ansøgningsproceduren er du velkommen til at kontakte ambassaden,s visumansøgningscenter VFS eller ambassaden direkte i telefontiden eller pr. e-mail. |
AL 48 |
Skrevet d. 03-05-2014 10:27

Antal indlæg: 1814
Tilmeldt: 17.03.11
-Så er det "hul" åbenbart lukket.
Senior cops busted for visa misconduct .
Published: 3 May 2014 at 06.04 | Viewed: 511 | Comments: 3 Newspaper section: News -+ Two senior immigration police officers, one of whom is a former aide to the national police chief, have been moved to inactive posts after being tied to irregularities in a visa run service advertised online. The transfer orders, signed on Thursday by national police chief Adul Saengsingkaew,...
http://www.bangko...misconduct |
sol |
Skrevet d. 03-05-2014 12:49

Antal indlæg: 247
Tilmeldt: 09.11.09
AL 48 skrev:
-Så er det "hul" åbenbart lukket.
Senior cops busted for visa misconduct .
Published: 3 May 2014 at 06.04 | Viewed: 511 | Comments: 3 Newspaper section: News -+ Two senior immigration police officers, one of whom is a former aide to the national police chief, have been moved to inactive posts after being tied to irregularities in a visa run service advertised online. The transfer orders, signed on Thursday by national police chief Adul Saengsingkaew,...
det var et hul i nettet der bliv lukket rigtigt nok ,husk lige på der er/kan være mange huller i et net |
maichai |
Skrevet d. 03-05-2014 12:54

Antal indlæg: 1365
Tilmeldt: 21.12.13
-Så er det "hul" åbenbart lukket.
Senior cops busted for visa misconduct .
Published: 3 May 2014 at 06.04 | Viewed: 511 | Comments: 3 Newspaper section: News -+ Two senior immigration police officers, one of whom is a former aide to the national police chief, have been moved to inactive posts after being tied to irregularities in a visa run service advertised online. The transfer orders, signed on Thursday by national police chief Adul Saengsingkaew,...
ØHH Hvordan kæder i lige dette sammen med R. Kronberg og dansk visa ????? Er der nået jeg ikke forstår ?
Et sundt sexualliv værner imod sportslivets fristelser.
AL 48 |
Skrevet d. 06-05-2014 08:35

Antal indlæg: 1814
Tilmeldt: 17.03.11
maichai skrev:
-Så er det "hul" åbenbart lukket.
Senior cops busted for visa misconduct .
Published: 3 May 2014 at 06.04 | Viewed: 511 | Comments: 3 Newspaper section: News -+ Two senior immigration police officers, one of whom is a former aide to the national police chief, have been moved to inactive posts after being tied to irregularities in a visa run service advertised online. The transfer orders, signed on Thursday by national police chief Adul Saengsingkaew,...
ØHH Hvordan kæder i lige dette sammen med R. Kronberg og dansk visa ????? Er der nået jeg ikke forstår ?[/quote]
Ja,-tråden blev oprettet som en generel advarsel om brug af visum-agenter. Prøv at læse fra start, og især #1 fra yindee. At en vis hr. Kronberg så blev indblandet hen ad vejen er en anden sag,-men det var altså ikke ham tråden blev oprettet om.  |
AL 48 |
Skrevet d. 06-05-2014 09:06

Antal indlæg: 1814
Tilmeldt: 17.03.11
Men her er lidt mere om opstramninger vedr. forlængelse af visa. (Det handler heller ikke om hr. Kronberg).
Visa crackdown risks stranding Phuket expats in Myanmar
Ranong Immigration warns that any foreigner who exits Thailand after using three consecutive visa exemption entries must get a proper visa.

http://legacy.phu...29346.html |
maichai |
Skrevet d. 07-05-2014 04:30

Antal indlæg: 1365
Tilmeldt: 21.12.13
Ja,-tråden blev oprettet som en generel advarsel om brug af visum-agenter. Prøv at læse fra start, og især #1 fra yindee. At en vis hr. Kronberg så blev indblandet hen ad vejen er en anden sag,-men det var altså ikke ham tråden blev oprettet om.
Her står om Robert Kronbergs firma PIRO skrevet i indlæg 1# af Yindee
prisen på visa hjælp som firmaet Visa PIRO leverer er fra ca. 3100 gode danske kroner en pæn pris for noget som ambassaden hjælper dig med ganske gratis
NEJ AL48 prøv du at læse tråden fra start ....... DEN drejede sig om brug af visa agenter for at få VISA til Danmark ikke om alle andre visa forhold til Myanmar og andre steder kun til Danmark
Så AL48 hvad kan vi lære af dette DU skal læse tråden fra start
Den Danske ambassade i Bangkok,Thailand skriver http://thailand.u...
Rejse til Danmark
Ambassaden advarer mod, at visumansøgere betaler agenter for bistand i forbindelse med indgivelse af visumansøgning. Vi er bekendt med, at sådanne agenter findes både i og udenfor Bangkok, herunder også i umiddelbar nærhed af VFS visum-outsourcing centret i Alma Link Building.
Vi har tidligere advaret mod, at visumansøgere og værter i Danmark lader sig lure af disse agenter, idet de blot påfører ansøger og reference en helt unødvendig og ofte ganske betragtelig ekstraudgift. De har INGEN kompetence, og kan ikke indgive en visumansøgning på ansøgerens vegne og bidrager oven i købet ikke sjældent til en unødvendig forlængelse af sagsbehandlingstiden, da de ikke er bekendt med de præcise regler og procedurer.
Er du i tvivl om ansøgningsproceduren er du velkommen til at kontakte vores visumansøgningscenter VFS eller ambassaden direkte i telefontiden eller pr. e-mail.
Et sundt sexualliv værner imod sportslivets fristelser.
AL 48 |
Skrevet d. 07-05-2014 08:56

Antal indlæg: 1814
Tilmeldt: 17.03.11
NEJ AL48 prøv du at læse tråden fra start ....... DEN drejede sig om brug af visa agenter for at få VISA til Danmark ikke om alle andre visa forhold til Myanmar og andre steder kun til Danmark
Ja,- og det jeg lagde ind omhandler forlængelser af disse visa 
Men måske læser du ikke så godt engelsk? |
maichai |
Skrevet d. 07-05-2014 09:17

Antal indlæg: 1365
Tilmeldt: 21.12.13
AL48 nu skriver du udenom igen igen
Her er hvad Yindee trådstarter med
Det har kun noget med Danmark at gøre
Den Danske ambassade i Bangkok,Thailand skriver http://thailand.u...
Rejse til Danmark
Ambassaden advarer mod, at visumansøgere betaler agenter for bistand i forbindelse med indgivelse af visumansøgning. Vi er bekendt med, at sådanne agenter findes både i og udenfor Bangkok, herunder også i umiddelbar nærhed af VFS visum-outsourcing centret i Alma Link Building.
Vi har tidligere advaret mod, at visumansøgere og værter i Danmark lader sig lure af disse agenter, idet de blot påfører ansøger og reference en helt unødvendig og ofte ganske betragtelig ekstraudgift. De har INGEN kompetence, og kan ikke indgive en visumansøgning på ansøgerens vegne og bidrager oven i købet ikke sjældent til en unødvendig forlængelse af sagsbehandlingstiden, da de ikke er bekendt med de præcise regler og procedurer.
Er du i tvivl om ansøgningsproceduren er du velkommen til at kontakte vores visumansøgningscenter VFS eller ambassaden direkte i telefontiden eller pr. e-mail.
Men AL48 Du er måske ikke så god til at læse DANSK så må du sku hellere have dine skolepenge tilbage
Et sundt sexualliv værner imod sportslivets fristelser.
AL 48 |
Skrevet d. 07-05-2014 09:20

Antal indlæg: 1814
Tilmeldt: 17.03.11
Undskyld Maichai 
For din skyld skal jeg nok næste gang oprette en ny tråd  |
maichai |
Skrevet d. 07-05-2014 09:33

Antal indlæg: 1365
Tilmeldt: 21.12.13
Undskyldningen er accepteret
Så bare husk næste gang at putte de relevante skrivelser ind de rette steder og ikke bare at blande alt sammen i en stor mudderkastning Så skal du nok klare dig AL48 med eller uden skolepenge tilbage
Et sundt sexualliv værner imod sportslivets fristelser.
AL 48 |
Skrevet d. 07-05-2014 09:35

Antal indlæg: 1814
Tilmeldt: 17.03.11
Nå |
maichai |
Skrevet d. 07-05-2014 09:39

Antal indlæg: 1365
Tilmeldt: 21.12.13
Ja det var et kort og rigtigt svar denne gang Næste gang bliver det måske Nå ik
Et sundt sexualliv værner imod sportslivets fristelser.
AL 48 |
Skrevet d. 12-05-2014 08:29

Antal indlæg: 1814
Tilmeldt: 17.03.11
Thailand Crackdown on Visa Runs, Create Headaches for Expats

CHIANG RAI – New visa restrictions could create headaches for travelers and expats who relied on Thailand’s easy border run policies to stay in the country for long periods of time.
Those without proper long-stay visas have for some time been able to take advantage of the border run system, exiting the country at an official border point and re-entering the same day. This would usually give them another 15 or 30 days in the country, depending on their nationality and the regulations at the time.
That all seemed to have come to a stop this weekend, however, as the government furthered a crackdown on people using visa runs to stay in Thailand. As of Saturday, May 10, immigration officials at the Mae Sai border were not allowing anyone to exit or enter Thailand at the Mae Sai crossing into, a popular spot for visa runners. Many people, including tourists looking to extend their stays and expats, do back-to-back runs that allow them to stay in the country for several months without leaving to obtain a longer-term visa. Border runs are slightly inconvenient but easy ways to extend a stay without having to leave and apply for a visa in another country.
On Saturday, tourists posted on the Thai Visa forum that they had arrived at the border at Mae Sai only to be turned away after being told that no one would receive the visa on arrival stamp from that crossing. In the past, foreigners were occasionally turned away for having done too many consecutive visa runs but the crackdown seems to have been applied to all tourists trying to make the land crossing, regardless of how many stamps they already had.
Tourists looking to extend their time in the Kingdom will now need to exit the country to apply for a proper tourist visa or will need to fly out and back in every 30 days to obtain a new entry stamp. The latter will only be an option for a few more months, however. Visa runs by air will also be prohibited beginning August 12.
The Mae Sai restrictions were enforced just days after stricter enforcement was announced at the Ranong border crossing near Phuket. Tourists will be able to do an in-out crossing three consecutive times, but must provide verifiable details of where they are staying. According to The Phuket News, whether or not they will get more than three extensions depends on whether Immigration has been able to confirm their information, and the decision will be at the immigration officers’ discretion. Tourists may be asked to show proof of income or that they have enough money to support themselves in Thailand. This is also a requirement at some foreign Thai consulates.
The crackdown is designed to prevent people from doing back-to-back visa runs without obtaining the proper visas for being in the country. Tourists will have to secure a visa from consulates outside Thailand, whether in their home country or elsewhere. It is possible to apply for a visa in nearby countries such as Malaysia, Laos, Singapore, and Vietnam, though regulations vary at each. The consulates are allowed to use discretion when approving visa applications and whether or not a tourist will get one sometimes depends on rules that can change monthly. Those who have already had several tourist visas may not be approved for another visa, or may receive a single rather than a double entry.
Officials have said the new rules are aimed at preventing people from working illegally in Thailand and from committing crimes. Though safety is the proclaimed aim, the new rules will surely cause a headache for those who have set themselves up in Thailand on tourist visas and border runs, but not other long-term visas such as the non-immigrant visa. This may particularly impact the so-called “digital nomad” set, who travel frequently and work remotely but are not employed by a Thai company. Options for those looking to avoid future visa hassle include getting an education visa to study Thai or Muay Thai boxing.
Visa regulations change frequently, and it remains to be seen how strictly the new laws will be enforced — and how long they will stay in place.
http://www.chiang...xpats.html |
AL 48 |
Skrevet d. 12-05-2014 08:47

Antal indlæg: 1814
Tilmeldt: 17.03.11
- Sådan kan det jo gå !! De mener det åbenbart alvorligt 
Russian denied entry at Phuket International Airport over ‘visa’ crackdown
Mariia Sgibneva, 26, hoped the sharing her story might raise awareness and prevent others from unexpectedly being denied entry into Thailand. Photo: Mariia Sgibneva / Facbook
PHUKET: A Russian national was denied entry into Thailand by Phuket International Airport Immigration officers on April 21 and detained until she could be deported the next morning.Officers denied entry to Mariia Sgibneva, 26, more than a week before the May 3 crackdown on the “three-visa-and-out rule” aimed at stymieing international crime.“They stopped me at immigration, and ask me why I did so many visa runs. All my documents were okay. I returned from Russia in October,” Ms Sgibneva explained to the Phuket Gazette on Wednesday.Ms Sgibneva planned to return to her rented room in Bang Tao after a friend’s wedding in Kuala Lumpur. Instead, she was told that she had to book a ticket out of Thailand.“We checked Mariia’s information, it showed that she had frequently gone to Ranong for visa runs. This is often a sign of someone illegally working in Phuket,” Prapansak Prasansuk, chief of Immigration at the airport.After arriving in Phuket in October, Ms Sgibneva left to get a three-month tourist visa in November. She then completed a visa run in February. Subsequently, she left the country on March 21 for a visa run, then again to visit friends in Kuala Lumpur on March 30 and April 18.Ms Sgibneva explained to the Gazette that she planned to move from Phuket soon after she returned from the wedding, and decided against getting a three-month visa.“That’s why I didn’t go to the Thai embassy,” she said.“The first question they asked was if I had a departing ticket from Thailand – I didn’t. But not a big deal, I could buy one. I already knew when I was going to leave. I told them I could show them in 10 minutes, after I charged my phone to buy it.”Ms Sgibneva was instead asked to prove financial stability for her stay in Thailand. “They asked me to show them 20,000 baht in cash. I thought that by law I didn’t have to have the cash, it’s a lot of money. I thought I could show my bank account. They told me, ‘No it’s not possible.’ They wanted to see the cash,” she said.After Ms Sgibneva asked to be shown the law, the officers became rude, she said.“I have more than 20,000 baht in my bank account, but they told me they didn’t believe that it was my bank account. Because it was in Russian [whoen shown on her phone], they couldn’t understand,” she explained.Ms Sgibneva offered to change her bank’s webpage to English. She also offered to have a friend come to the airport with 20,000 baht cash for her.“They said, ‘No.’ They don’t believe me, and wanted to send me to Russia,” Ms Sgibneva said.The officers allegedly offered to buy her ticket for her, but Ms Sgibneva still didn’t have enough cash to cover a ticket. She refused to return to Russia, instead opting to take the next flight to Malaysia.Ms Sgibneva explained that she was able to have a friend buy the ticket for her.“After I showed them the ticket, they sent me to a room for people waiting to be deported from the country,” Ms Sgibneva said.However, Col Prapansak told the Gazette on Tuesday that his officers coordinated with the airline to take her back to Malaysia.“We did not hold her, as she was waiting in an area prepared by the airline,” Col Prapansak said.Ms Sgibneva reiterated to the Gazette that at about this time communication between herself and officers broke down, and that she was consistently dealt with rudely.“They didn’t want to speak with me. I asked if it was possible to get my documents and medicine [not critical] from my room, because I really needed them. I had more than six hours to bring my stuff from my house, but they didn’t even want to talk to me and explain to me what had happened,” Ms Sgibneva said.“Everybody is a human, maybe they hate me because I’m Russian, but it’s not a big question to answer: Can I bring my documents and medicine?”By the time an AirAsia staffer arrived and informed Ms Sgibneva that she would be able to bring luggage aboard, assuming a friend brought it to the airport, it was too late.“I think for some people who want to do a visa run, the biggest problem is that they can deport you without any reason. I can understand that there are many Russian tourists who cause problems with Thai police… but if you really want to find the people who work, find them at their workplace,” she said.Col Prapansak told the Gazette that he was sure his officers had clearly explained to Ms Sgibneva why she had been denied entry.Nonetheless, Ms Sgibneva said it was unclear to her until she reached Kuala Lumpur. Once in Malaysia she was told the official reason was “not clear reason to visit Phuket”.Ms Sgibneva’s clothing was donated by friends to a local temple, as she continues to search for a reasonably priced way to get several small belongings and her documents to Malaysia.“I was lucky that I have friends. Some people don’t have these kinds of possibilities. I don’t want to see someone else in this kind of story – Russian or non-Russian,” she said.
http://legacy.phu...29391.html |
nej |
Skrevet d. 12-05-2014 09:42

Antal indlæg: 371
Tilmeldt: 20.12.12
Søg Turistvisa hvor svært kan det være, jeg forstår godt thaierne visarun er blevet misbrugt på det groveste |
per1234 |
Skrevet d. 22-07-2014 07:57

Antal indlæg: 857
Tilmeldt: 19.12.11
AK81 skrev:
tak for oplysninger , nu ved jeg hvilke firmaer jeg ikke skal bruge i Thailand
det er nemligt rigtigt for nu er firmaet igen ude i noget snavs
se link http://www.thaila...rowstart=0 |
maichai |
Skrevet d. 22-07-2014 17:38

Antal indlæg: 1365
Tilmeldt: 21.12.13
Per 1234
Hvorfor sender du link til noget snavs
se link http://www.thaila...
Det er godt nok uhyggeligt
Et sundt sexualliv værner imod sportslivets fristelser.
per1234 |
Skrevet d. 23-07-2014 08:34

Antal indlæg: 857
Tilmeldt: 19.12.11
maichai skrev:
Per 1234
Hvorfor sender du link til noget snavs
se link http://www.thaila...
Det er godt nok uhyggeligt 
link virker ikke  |