Debatemne: Thai-Dk Din debat side :: Utroligt: Kjole redder piges liv

Oprettet af natie d. 13-02-2019 05:46

En lille pige faldt ned fra taget på et hospital i Thailand, men hendes kjole greb fat i udsmykningen på bygningens facade. Se det dramatiske øjeblik, hvor pigen bliver reddet, her

Et mirakel udspillede sig søndag 10. februar på Paholpolpayuhasena Hospital i Kanchanaburi i Thailand.

En lille pige var indlagt, men hun besluttede sig for at gå en tur på hospitalet og endte med at vandre op på taget.

Det skriver KameraOne.

Her fandt hun angiveligt et firben, som hun begyndte at jagte. Jagten ledte hende ud på siden af bygningen, hvor hun mistede balancen og faldt ned.

Mirakuløst greb kjolen fat i et af bogstaverne, der udsmykker facaden på hospitalet, og pigen hang nu fast på siden af hospitalet.

Opmærksomme borgere fik dog hurtigt øje på pigen, og heldigvis endte det godt ved, at en kvinde formåede at trække en uskadt men skræmt pige op.

- Vi tjekkede pigen for skader, men vi fandt ingen alvorlige af slagsen. Hun havde kun blå mærker og et hudafskrabninger, sagde hospitalsdirektøren Somjed Laoluekead efter hændelsen.

kilde https://ekstrabla...iv/7512891

Oprettet af natie d. 13-02-2019 05:49

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Four-year-old girl saved from lethal fall when her dress snags on building sign
This is the dramatic moment a toddler in southwest Thailand was rescued after plunging off the top of a hospital roof, only to be being saved when her dress snagged on the building sign.

The little girl was with her father while he received treatment at the Paholpolpayuhasena Hospital in Kanchanaburi, but she wandered off from their ward and wound up on the roof.

The girl pushed through a fire escape door and climbed the stairs before running onto the roof of the seven-storey building, where she began chasing a small gecko.

The Burmese youngster, who has not been named, said she was following the lizard when she somehow climbed over the side of the building and dropped below.

Miraculously, her loose-fitting red dress became caught on the first letter of the Thai alphabet – tortao – on a sign showing the name of the building.

A guest called the hospital staff after he heard a child screaming outside the window. Six nurses then rushed to the roof and were shocked to find the girl hanging in midair, clinging to the letter for dear life.

One brave nurse took a risk and climbed down to grab the girl’s hand while other officers held onto her body as a bystander in the room below also leaned out of the balcony to help.

The girl was eventually carried away from the scene and was in shock from the incident.

The father of the youngster said that he was being treated in a patient room located on the seventh floor. His daughter was childishly running around the floor before he found that she disappeared.