Debatemne: Thai-Dk Din debat side :: Stepfather charged over death of 2yo boy

Oprettet af yindee d. 31-03-2015 04:08

Angry mob halts re-enactment,,,,620x413.jpg
Police say it was Anon Pimmoo, 29, caught on video last week beating his two-year-old stepson, Natcha Boonruam, to death. An attempt to re-enact the crime on Monday was cancelled when angry residents protested....

An angry mob forced police to call off a Monday afternoon crime re-enactment involving a man accused of beating his two-year-old stepson to death.

Police on Monday took Anon Pimmoo, 29, to the site where he allegedly killed the boy at the Ua-arthorn apartment building in Min Buri. Soon after arriving at the scene,

more than 100 people gathered and began hurling abuse at Mr Anon. Police say they were forced to bundle him into a van and call off the re-enactment for his own safety.

read more http://www.bangko...-enactment

jeg tror ikke at Anon Pimmoo overlever ret lang tid når han bliver indkvarteret på hotel gitterly