Debatemne: Thai-Dk Din debat side :: Ikea says horsemeat found in local supply

Oprettet af Kent d. 05-04-2013 14:01

ok jeg køber intet i den forretning slet ikke svenske kødboller

Horsemeat has been found in some samples of Ikea Thailand meatballs, the store said yesterday.

The Swedish furniture store which also runs a Swedish food market and restaurant at its Bang Na outlet said the horsemeat turned up in independent tests conducted at its request on meatballs supplied to its Bangkok outlet. It said yesterday it will continue withholding the sale of meatballs.

The store has withdrawn Swedish meatballs from its market and menu since February after a batch was found to have contained equine DNA.

A store spokeswoman said the concern centred mainly on one supplier in Sweden.

The company had asked the Bureau of Quality and Safety of Food at the Ministry of Public Health to test meatballs it had received from Sweden.

"The halt on sales of meatballs will be in place for some months," store manager Lacia Sherlock said.