Debatemne: Thai-Dk Din debat side :: Indrejse i Thailand uden karantæne fra 1. juli

Oprettet af palle d. 31-03-2021 12:08

Information fra den Thailandske Ambassade til thailand 3.jpg

Det ser her ud til at en 7 dages karantænefri periode kun kan finde sted på Phuket, hvor man så kan bevæge sig frit rundt i de 7 dage inden man får adgang til resten af Thailand.

Oprettet af bebe d. 01-04-2021 12:08

Oprettet af palle d. 02-04-2021 11:20

In this video we'll cover visas, quarantine, insurance, medical certificates and vaccines. Finding information about traveling to Thailand at this time can be a bit confusing, to say the least. Suddenly there’s a lot more paperwork and the Thai government keep updating the situation and, for now, gradually re-opening the borders. You also need to work through the vagaries of individual embassies and staff who may sometimes have different interpretations of the latest guidelines. But everyone is trying their best to help you get back to Thailand… so your patience will be rewarded.